Man in ‘Scream’ Costume Arrested After Wielding Knife at Police

In a disturbing event that unfolded in Canton, a man named Jacob Paul Weisgarber made headlines for his alarming behavior while dressed in a ghost face costume reminiscent of the iconic horror movie franchise “Scream.”  The incident occurred early Tuesday morning around 8:30am. The man in the scream costume who later was identified as Jacob Weisgarber was spotted running around the 1400 Block of Raff Rd, brandishing a knife. The choice of costume was particularly provocative, as it is linked to a series of horror films known for their themes of violence and terror. The sight of someone in a ghost face mask wielding a knife naturally incited panic among local residents, who were unprepared for such a frightening display. The public’s fear was compounded by the realism of the weapon being used, as it was not just a prop but a genuine knife that could cause significant harm.

The situation escalated when police were called to the scene. Upon their arrival, Weisgarber fled from the officers, leading them on a short pursuit that culminated in a confrontation on US Route 30. The act of fleeing from the police is not uncommon in incidents of panic or fear; however, the decision to wield a knife at law enforcement officers significantly heightened the stakes. This behavior posed a direct threat not only to the officers but also to the general public who might have been in the vicinity.

Faced with an individual who was both armed and seemingly unstable, the police had to make a critical decision about how to subdue Weisgarber. In high-pressure situations like this, officers are trained to assess the threat level and respond accordingly. The deployment of a taser is often seen as a non-lethal method of incapacitating a suspect, and in this case, it proved necessary to neutralize the immediate danger Weisgarber posed. This decision highlights the challenges law enforcement faces in balancing the need for public safety with the potential for escalation of force.

Following his apprehension, Weisgarber was charged with several offenses, including two counts of F5 aggravated menacing, obstructing official business, inducing panic and resisting arrest. Each of these charges reflects the serious nature of his actions. Felony aggravated menacing underscores the severity of threatening behavior towards others, especially with a weapon involved. Inducing panic is a charge that acknowledges the broader impact of his actions in the community, as his behavior incited fear among residents and disrupted the peace of the neighborhood.

   The incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of responsible behavior, especially in an era where the boundaries between entertainment and reality can sometimes blur. Costumes and props associated with horror films can evoke strong emotions, and individuals must recognize the potential consequences of their actions. Weisgarber’s choice to combine a frightening costume with a real knife was not just reckless; it was an act that jeopardized the safety of others and led to significant legal repercussions.

Furthermore, the response from law enforcement highlights the protocols in place for dealing with individuals exhibiting violent or erratic behavior. The need for quick decision-making in these situations cannot be overstated. Officers must evaluate the threat level and determine the best course of action to protect both themselves and the public. In this case, the use of a taser was a measured response to an escalating situation, demonstrating the importance of training and preparedness in law enforcement.

In conclusion, the incident involving Jacob Weisgarber is a multifaceted case that raises critical questions about public safety, individual responsibility, and law enforcement protocols. It serves as a cautionary tale about the potential consequences of reckless behavior, particularly when it intersects with weapons and public spaces. As communities continue to grapple with issues of safety and security, it is essential to promote a culture of responsibility and awareness that can prevent similar situations from arising in the future. The actions of individuals, as well as the responses of law enforcement, will play a pivotal role in shaping the safety and well-being of neighborhoods across the nation.



Stark County Sherriff