Bail Bond News
Let Me Tell You What Happen – go to jail
Son asking the father for money for his bail bonds and dad is not happy and will not give him money. He got busted for selling drugs! I told my daddy I need him to pay the bail bonds for me #LetMeTellYouWhatHappen Below is the transcript of the video: 00:00 I’m gonna go then they…
Read MoreAmerican Justice System Playing Kick the Can
Consider if you will, that you are a garbage man. Only instead of being able to collect your cans on an orderly route, you collect them as their filled regardless of the day or time. Someone fills a can up at 3 am on a Saturday, they call and you drive out in your truck and grab it…
Read MoreProfessional Bail Bond Association letter from President Beth Chapman
Message from the President Beth Chapman Call to action for HR 2152 Citizens’ Right to Know Act Dear Colleagues: HR 2152, introduced by U.S. Representative Ted Poe, needs co-sponsors. This critical legislation will require taxpayer-funded pretrial release agencies funded by the Department of Justice to report on key criteria for those who…
Read MorePTRS (Pretrial Release Service) and the role of community
A big issue has been made of late in the area of bail reform. A lot of time has been spent arguing about the merits of the current cash bail system in the United States as well as its deficiencies. The main bone of contention seems to be that the system is unfair to the…
Read MoreQuestions Remain On Proposed California Bail Reform Legislation – Few Have Answers by usbailreform
An editorial published on Fox & Hounds demonstrates the lack of enthusiasm among business leaders and concerned citizens on proposed California bail reform legislation. Cutting State Programs for a New Failing Bail System in California By John Quintanilla – Small Business Owner in Los Angeles County and Rosemead School District Member, Board of Trustees This…
Read MoreCitizen’s Need Educated On Bail Reform – I’ll Take the Monkey Before the Machine
There’s much talk on a state and national level about the need for a reform for the United States bail bond system of monetary incentive to guarantee appearance. As it stands now, generally when someone stands accused of the crime they are given a fixed amount of cash to be posted to the court in…
Read MoreBail Bondsman Training
Bail Bondsman Training One of the things that’s sorely lacking in this business is proper bail bondsman training. Nothing is worse then when A perspective agent gets with the wrong people and is ruined before they can start. That was almost the case here but thankfully Chris found me and I was able to bring…
Read MoreA Surety Bond Is Often Means Of Effecting Change
Anyone in the bail bonds industry can tell you that a surety bond under the law only has one purpose: to ensure the appearance of the accused in court throughout the criminal process. A lot of people that have sex crimes have been using Tampa attorney for sex crimes, Mike G Law and have had…
Read MoreBail Reform Debacle – Bail Bondsman Need to Step Up
With the recent “bail reform” debacle in the state of New Jersey fully underway a number of issues that have been seething below the surface are now finally rising to the top of the worry list of several bail agents, like the 24Hour New Haven Bail Bonds. The most troubling (and most urgent) of these…
Read MoreBail Reform Misinformation – How Your Body Fights Weight Loss
And Why It Wants to Gain Weight Back Weight management is a key component of a healthy life. While many people successfully maintain healthy weights through a balance of nutrition and activity, weight loss can be vital for the 71 percent of Americans who are overweight or suffering from obesity. However, weight loss – particularly extreme weight…
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